Abandoned spaces of labour

The rules of the game: capital and labour meet in spaces stopwatch-prepared for the purpose of the optimization of the process of surplus-extraction from labour, following the dictate of socially necessary labour time, required in order to survive in competition with...

Ilica 89, Laura Barić: Postcards

The intervention at Ilica 89 was realized as a photographic collage exhibited in the storefront. Contemporary shop windows most often offer carefully arranged content and visuals which urge us to consume or which serve as a mere mirror in which we consume our own...

Urban Toys

Large scale interactive sculptures, placed at unexpected points in the city, become an alibi for creating social relations and an invitation for social play, communication and action. Posted in the midst of the urban bustle, urban toys take on the function of...

Ilica 89, Laura Barić : “Razglednice”

Intervencija u prostoru Ilice 89 realizirana je kao kolaž fotografija izloženih s vanjske strane izloga. Izlozi nam danas najčešće nude pomno aranžirane sadržaje i vizuale koji nas pozivaju na konzumaciju ili nam služe kao puko zrcalo u kojem konzumiramo vlastitu...

Urbane igračke

Interaktivne skulpture velikog formata, postavljene na neočekivanim punktovima grada, postaju alibi za stvaranje socijalnih relacija te poziv na društvenu igru, komunikaciju i akciju. Impostirane usred gradske vreve, urbane igračke preuzimaju funkciju svojevrsnih...